Author: Francesco Petrarca
Cited by
- Salman Rushdie (1)
- IN: The Enchantress of Florence (None) Fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: Her way of moving was no mortal thing
but of angelic form: and her speech rang higher than a mere human voice.
A celestial spirit, a living sun
was what I saw...
FROM: Sonnet 90 (Erano i capei d'oro a l'aura sparsi), (1374), Poem, Italy
- Brandy Purdy (1)
- IN: Two Empresses (2017) Historical Fiction, American
EPIGRAPH: It is more honorable to be raised to a throne than to be born to one. Fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other.~~
FROM: NULL, (None), NULL, Italy
- Handel Richardson, Henry (1)
- IN: Maurice Guest (1908) Fiction, Australian
EPIGRAPH: S'amor non è, che dunque è quel ch'io sento?
Ma s'egli è amor, per Dio, che cosa è quale?
FROM: NULL, (None), NULL, Italy
- de Staël, Germaine (1)
- IN: Corrine; or Italy (1833) Fiction, French
EPIGRAPH: —"Udrallo il bel paese,
Ch' Apennin parte, e 'l mar circonda e l'Alpe."
FROM: O d' ardente vertute ornata et calda, (None), Poem, France